Wednesday, June 3, 2015

WIP Wednesday

This past week's projects aren't much different from what I've been working on the week before. Even though I haven't started anything new, it's still fun to share the progress I've made on already seen projects. I spent a lot more time knitting, and didn't even turn on my sewing machine. Following Lauren's lead, I'm linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along again!

I finished all of the knitting for my stockinette tubular cowl, blocked it, and attempted to kitchener stitch it together. I wasn't that successful and ended up having to take out the majority of the join since I skipped a stitch towards the beginning of the round. My second go at kitchenering went much better and I was able to get through the entire round. One stitch is pretty loose though, so I've been trying to remedy/hide this while weaving in the ends. I'm not extremely happy with how this tiny part looks, so I stepped away from this problem for now and will approach again with a fresher mind and eyes. I think blocking my cowl once more will also help make the join look more even. Normally I have to watch a how-to video whenever I need to use the kitchener stitch, but after these trials and tribulations, I'm pretty sure this join will forever be ingrained in my mind. That is one good thing about having to redo something; you truly start to learn and understand the process.
I continued powering through on my garter stitch blanket. I quickly finished the pink stripe and began working in a dark foresty green (I don't know the exact colorway) skein of Vanna's Choice. My favorite part of this project so far has been selecting which color to use next out of the yarn I have in my stash.
On Sunday I met up with several other knitters at Loop to continue working on our Melodias for the knit along. Not paying enough attention to what I was doing, I made a silly error which threw off my knitting mojo. I only managed to get through eight rows, but it still feels like my shawl is growing at a rapid rate. I'm trying to pace myself with this project so that I'll have plenty to knit during our meet ups.

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