About Me

Hi, I'm Courtney!
 I'm 24 years old, and I graduated from Santa Clara University a few years ago.

I recently moved from my hometown of Sacramento, California, and am now living with my best friend Lauren in Philadelphia.

I've been eating vegan for the past six years, and I love to try new restaurants and recipes. I'll eat almost anything that's vegan, except for avocados and mushrooms, and I'll only consume bananas in baked goods or smoothies. I'm weird, I know.

I have one sister and two younger brothers. My mom used to sew all of our Halloween and "famous people" costumes back in grade school. She taught me how to hand sew when I was about seven years old, and I was able to use a sewing machine by the time I was nine, although I wasn't really that good. I didn't take an interest in sewing though until I was about to start college. That summer I sewed my first quilt top (it still hasn't been quilted), and my love for sewing has grown from there. My senior year of college, I took a sewing class called "Costume Construction", just for fun. For our final project I sewed a graduation dress for myself, and I had the best time shopping for fabric in San Francisco. Since I've graduated, I haven't had that much time to sew, but I'm trying prioritize my time so that I can sew more "everyday" clothing for myself.

My mom is also an avid crocheter; her specialty is chevron afghans. That's seriously all she wants to make. She's tried to teach me several times, but I just can't stay "hooked". Pun intended! Lauren is the best knitter I know; she can figure out any pattern and fix any and all of my mistakes. She taught me how to knit multiple times, but it took me two whole years to finally get the hang of it. Since then I've knit numerous scarves and cowls, but I'm trying to branch out and attempt socks and sweaters.

I started this blog thinking I would have a lot to write about the crafts I conquer. But it turns out that a lot of my posts have actually been about running. I never imagined this to be the case. I've played soccer and been on swim team throughout most of my life, but I've never enjoyed running. I run because I know it's good for me, and I like my clothes to fit. I ran/walked my first half marathon in July of 2012. I've completed a total of eight half marathons and one marathon. I  finished the American River 50 mile endurance race almost a year ago and am excited to be able to call myself an "ultra runner". Currently, I'm training for the San Francisco Marathon in July and hope to crush my PR. This year, instead of concentrating on distance, I'm focusing my energy on speed to improve my times.


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