Sunday, April 15, 2012


Yes, I realize Easter was LAST Sunday. But hey, at least I'm actually blogging. Easter is now one of my favorite holidays...I love all of the traditions, and new additions.

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Easter Brunch 

Easter Baskets

...and Easter Dinner with L's family and an Easter Egg Hunt (no pictures were taken)

Of course one of my favorite parts was giving and receiving Easter baskets. I got three this year, I'm lucky! One from my mom, one from L, and one from L's mom. In the picture above, L's are the two on the left, and the two on the right are mine. The gray basket with crocheted flowers is from L. She bought me and made me lots of cool stuff! Some of my favorites are my flannel polka dot pajama pants, three cowls she made (two sewn and one knit), two drawstring pouches she sewed, a fatty stuffed pig, a bath balm from Lush wrapped in a cute chick cloth, and TONS of candy. The basket my mom got me is on the far right. She gave me a purple stuffed bunny, two nail polishes, and more candy. The basket from L's mom is not pictured...but she gave me a Chipotle gift card (YUM), a Whole Foods gift card (for L and I to share), and a cool notebook! Thanks everyone!

I started my Easter morning off with an Easter egg hunt in our backyard. L and I filled the eggs, and my brothers hid them. My mom hid $10 in one of the eggs as well. Some of the eggs had Hersey kisses, some had jelly beans, and the others had a coin. After all of the eggs were found, everyone went inside and opened all of their eggs to see you had found the most money from coins, and who found the $10. Well, I found the $10 and L found the most money in coins, wahoo!

Then my family and I (and L) went to Arden Hills for brunch. We also had brunch with my dad's family. Sadly I did not remember to take any pictures of the food, but my favorite were the potatoes. My brothers and sister were amazed to learn that broccoli can also be was my sister's favorite part of the meal. 

L and I then went to her mom's house for dinner. She made a vegan version of her Easter dinner just for us =). Vegan Field Roast, scalloped potatoes, green beans with slivered almonds, dinner rolls, apple pie, and ice cream! Luckily there were leftovers to take home.

Of course, the day could not be complete without a Nerf Gun war. L had wanted a Nerf Gun for Easter...I gave in and got her the smallest one in her Easter basket. My brothers each had one, so Marissa, Heather, and I also bought a gun so we could participate. The six of us ran around the house chasing each other with bullets and hiding/ducking from our opponent's bullets. Heather won the first game and L won the second. I can't wait for our next Nerf Gun game....REMATCH!