Friday, August 26, 2011

First Post!!

It's my first post, yaaaay! Happy Lauren? =)

So I've never had a blog before, so we'll see how this one goes...hopefully it's not too boring.
Anyways, I can't believe the summer is almost over; I'm so not ready to go back to school! But moving into my new townhouse dorm with my best friend will make the school year so much better. Speaking of our new townhouse, L and I made candle holders today. It was a pretty simple project and we already had all the materials we needed, so that was a bonus. We started with several glass jars and mod-podged tissue paper onto them. It turned out to be a little time consuming than I initially thought since I intelligently decided to cut out dozens of tissue paper stars...bad idea. Our candle holders turned out pretty cool, but they'll look even better with candles lit inside them.